You are currently viewing I finally realized that people are prisoners of their phones… that’s why it’s called a cell phone

I finally realized that people are prisoners of their phones… that’s why it’s called a cell phone

Around the beginning of January I chose to start fasting 16-8 which I have been really happy about because it keeps me away from eating for fun or on my feelings.
As well as I wanted to lose weight to feel better, I have now reached the weight I am happy with, but I train every day to maintain a toned body as it affects the mind in a good way.
I really need that as I am very challenged.
But another thing that I can feel I need to work on,is putting the damn mobile phone away, sorry for the wording, but I really feel it steals more than it gives, I often go around taking photos, where I unfortunately see that 99% of all the people. have bowed their necks and are giving all their attention, to this little device.
We all know that, but from today I will delete all apps that deal with social media.
First look at my mobile after 11….. if I have a need it can cover.

The City:

Sanur Bali

The camera:

X Pro Fujifilm XF 23 mm F2