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“Rediscovering Your Puppy Brain”

Today, I went for a walk with my camera—a moment I hadn’t had in a long time. On that walk, I met a puppy. Something about its energy and curiosity struck me deeply, and it made me stop and reflect.

Puppies have this incredible way of seeing the world for the first time. Everything is new, everything is exciting, and there’s no fear, no filter—just joy and curiosity. Watching this little creature, I couldn’t help but think about the stark contrast to how we, as adults, often see life.

When you’ve been through struggles, when you carry the weight of life’s experiences, it’s easy to see the world through a lens of caution or assumption. And while I value the knowledge and lessons my journey has given me, seeing that puppy reminded me of something I had forgotten: the importance of looking at life, and at each other, with fresh eyes.

In a world dominated by social media, we think we know so much about everyone. We see a post, a picture, a snippet of someone’s day, and we assume we understand their story. But the truth is, we don’t. Even with the people we’re closest to, there are layers we haven’t uncovered, questions we haven’t asked.

That puppy reminded me of the beauty of curiosity—not just for the world, but for each other. To look at people without assumptions, to ask questions, and to see them as if for the first time.

Just a reminder: use your puppy brain.