
A Journey Through Life, One Shot at a Time

Welcome to my corner of the world, where I share my thoughts, my photographs, and the unforgettable moments that life gifts me. Through the lens of my camera, I capture memories that tell stories of encounters, emotions, and the beauty of the unknown. Life is my canvas, and the streets are my studio. It’s out there, on winding alleys and bustling avenues, where I feel most alive. Curiosity drives me – the hunger to see what’s waiting around the next corner, to experience life in all its rawness and vibrancy. It’s no secret that I’ve struggled in life. Like many, I’m searching for answers – trying to make sense of the chaos, the beauty, and everything in between. Photography, travel, and sharing my story are part of that journey. Each photo I take, each memory I capture, is a step toward understanding myself and the world around me.

That’s my mantra, even when it’s not always easy. Whether I’m exploring the vibrant markets of Bali, chasing the golden hour on a quiet gravel road in Denmark, or striking up conversations with strangers who become friends, every experience adds another page to my story.

Through this blog, I invite you to join me on this journey – not just through the streets of cities and the landscapes of nature, but through the ups and downs of a life lived with purpose and curiosity.

So, grab a coffee, take a seat, and let’s explore this world together. Here’s to chasing dreams, finding answers, and discovering joy in the smallest moments.

The road calls, and the lens answers.


Lastes Posts

Chasing dragonflies

From Zero to Hero – and Back Again In an instant, life can change. We often feel it most intensely in the encounter with love. My heart was ripped out, thrown back, and...

Chased by a duck

The other day, while riding my motorbike through the streets of Bali, I saw a little boy being chased by a duck. The sight made me laugh—it was one of those simple...

“Rediscovering Your Puppy Brain”

Today, I went for a walk with my camera—a moment I hadn’t had in a long time. On that walk, I met a puppy. Something about its energy and curiosity struck me deeply, and...

“The Power of Routines: Small Changes, Big Transformations”

Routines are an inevitable part of life, whether we like it or not. They create the structure of our days and shape how we think, act, and feel. But what if we could...

Protected: Back to Bali

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post...

I finally realized that people are prisoners of their phones… that’s why it’s called a

Around the beginning of January I chose to start fasting 16-8 which I have been really happy about because it keeps me away from eating for fun or on my feelings.As well...


I’ve started giving away photos, it’s a very special experience, which is actually quite challenging, because one is being behind a camera, which is also...

The dog from Paradise

The Photo: The City: Sanur Bali The camera: X-T2 Fujifilm XF 23 mm F2...

A match the captured me

The Photo: The City: Sanur Bali The camera: X-T2 Fujifilm XF 23 mm F2...

” I have a great love for dogs, I had my best friend noah for almost 14 years a brown labrador. Therefore, there will always be a project that deals with dogs. How can I get a meal for a street dog? “

"one photo can change the world.

Lars Schrøder